- Association of Computing Machinary (ACM), Member, USA (Chairman of ACM IIITA Professional Chapter 2012-13)
- Institution of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and IEEE Computer Society, Senior Member, USA
- Computer Society of India (CSI), Sr. Life Member, Mumbai (Chairman of CSI Allahabad Chapter 2011-12)
- Indian Society of Remote Sensing (ISRS), Life Member, Dehradun
- Institution of Electronics & Telecom. Engineers (IETE), Fellow, New Delhi
- Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), Life Member, New Delhi
- Institution of Engineers (India), Life Member, Kolkata
Journals and Conference Reviewer
- Reviewer of MDPI “Sensors” Journal
- Reviewer of Journal of Multimedia (Academy Pub)
- Reviewer of IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
- Reviewer of IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters.
- Reviewer of IEEE IGARSS, ACM COMPUTE Conferences
- Reviewer of international conference PICA-2006, Nagpur, India for papers related with AI, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, Image Processing etc.
- Reviewer of the International Conference on Intelligent Signal Processing and Robotics (ISPR) – 2004 held at IIIT-A, 2004.
- Editorial board member of IJCMSA (International Journal of Computer, Mathematical Sciences and Applications), India (since June, 2006)
Conference Organization and Programme Committee Member
- Program Chair , 2nd International Conference on “Intelligent Interactive Technologies & Multimedia (IITM 2013)” held during 09-11 March, 2013 at IIIT Allahabad.
- Coordinator, 1st International Conference on “Intelligent Interactive Technologogies & Multimedia (IITM 2010)” held during 28-30 December, 2010 at IIIT Allahabad.
- Track Chair, India HCI conference, held during 20-24 March, 2010 at IIT Bombay, Mumbai.
- Programme Committee Member, Second International Conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks (WCSN-2006), at IIIT-A, Dec. 17-19, 2006, India.
- Worked as Chairman (Accommodation Committee) for 80th VC Conference at IIIT-A, Nov. 23-27, 2005.
- Programme Committee Member and Coordinator, Souvenir Publication Committee of the International Conference on Intelligent Signal Processing and Robotics (ISPR) – 2004 held at IIIT-A, Feb. 20-23, 2004.
- Programme Committee Member, International Symposium on Information Technology: Emerging Trends, at IIIT-A, Sep.19-21, 2003.
- Invited as Vice Chair/ Member of Steering Committee of International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (IICT-2007) to be held at DIT, Dehradun, Jul. 26- 27, 2007.
Academic Institute Work
- Member, Senate, after the IIIT 2014 Act (2015 – Present)
- Membert IIITA Board of Management (2011 – 2014)
- Member IIITA Academic Council (2012 – 2015)
- Member, Senate (2006 – 2010)
- Chairman of project evalution board B.Tech IT of various semesters (current Board no. 5, Jan – Jun’2015).
- Member – Academic Program & Curriculum Development/ Revision.
- Member – Hardware & Software Purchase Committee.
- Member – PG Admissions (Interview Panel) and Faculty (MBA) Recruitment.
- Established �Interactive Technologies & Multimedia Research � Lab at IIIT-A, which includes procurement of specialized Hardware, Softwares and Image/Map Data.
- Established �Digital Media Interest Group� (link on IIIT-A home page) consisting of faculty members and students working on cutting edge technology areas.
Industrial Interaction
- Coordinator of IIITA- EMC(USA) Academic Collaboration at IIIT, Allahabad (w.e.f. Aug, 2006).
- Participated in Academia-Industry Interface Seminar organized by Petrotech Society (23-24 Sep, 2005). Assisted Petrotech in developing course content of its training programme scheduled in June/July� 2006.
- Software development subcontract with Institute of Engineering Cybernetics (IEC), Russia (1999-2000).
- Software development subcontract with M/S Pegasus Software Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore (1992-1993).
- Expert Committee Member
- Expert member of DOEACC Society, DOE, GOI, India.
- Dean Academics Officiating (2014)
- Professor In-charge Examination (2010 – 2013)
- Chief Proctor (2010 – 2013)
- External examiner (M.Tech./ M.Sc. Theses) and paper setter for MNNIT, Allahabad; BHU, Varanasi; Allahabad University, Allahabad.
- Conducted ISO9000 Internal Quality Audits at DEAL/DRDO, Dehradun. DEAL was first R&D lab in India to get ISO9001 certification (1998).
- Warden of IIIT-A Boys Hostel (April 2003 – 2007).